Signs It’s Time to Update Your Business Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance Rexburg IDAccidents happen – Secure your liability coverage today.

Has it been some time since you’ve checked your liability in your business insurance? Perhaps it’s been a while since you first got your policy, and business has grown significantly. If either of these is the case, it’s time that you pull out your policy!

Here are some signs that you need to update (or purchase) liability coverage in business coverage.

You bought a vehicle.

Even if you’re doing small deliveries now and again, there comes a time when personal vehicles will no longer suffice. For this reason, if you’ve purchased a commercial vehicle, you’ll need to purchase commercial auto insurance. This coverage can protect your employees, vehicle, and finances in the event of an accident or lawsuit resulting from an incident on the road.

You launch a website.

A website is an ideal way to keep up to date with clients, potential customers, and the tech industry! Even so, what you publish on your site could come back to bite you. From copyright lawsuits to users claiming that you falsely advertised, you may land up with a hefty lawsuit expense. Due to this risk, business owners are encouraged to purchase cyber liability insurance. This coverage protects your company from the plethora of dangers in the tech world!

You lease a commercial space.

Imagine that you’ve just moved into a brand new, picture-perfect office. It’s everything that you wanted it to be! That is, until you accidently drop your client’s phone during a meeting or a customer slips and falls on your newly waxed floors. Medical expenses and a lawsuit could threaten the finances, meaning that you need to move back to your Grandma’s studio to conduct work.

Small business owners, it’s time to review your policy to ensure that you don’t end up in a sticky situation like the above. Visit the professionals at Bell Black Insurance to get started on securing the coverage to suit your needs, business, and budget. We serve Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton, and the neighboring communities in Idaho, as well as Jackson and Star Valley in Wyoming with the right business insurance policies.

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