January Is National Blood Donor Month!

Donate bloodNational Blood Donor Month

January is National Blood Donor Month, which is the perfect time to roll up your sleeves to do your part to help someone in need. National Blood Donor Month has been celebrated since 1970 as a way to bring attention to the need for blood and to recognize those who have done their part to help others by donating blood.

National Blood Donor Month is celebrated every January to help bring attention to the need of blood during the winter months. Blood donations tend to drop in the winter because more people are traveling for the holidays and are more likely to be sick.

You do not need a specific reason to donate blood, just a desire to help someone in need. Whether you decide to donate blood because you think it is the right thing to do or because you know someone who needs blood, each time you donate, you have the chance to save up to three lives.

The process to donate blood is fast and simple. After a mini-physical to check your temperatures, hemoglobin level, pulse, and blood pressure, you are set up in a comfortable chair to donate. The actual donation process only takes about 10 minutes and uses a small needle that feels like a quick pinch. After you are done donating, you get to relax and enjoy a tasty snack and something to drink. After you donate, you are able to go on with your regular daily activities.

All of us at Bell Black Insurance in Rexburg, Idaho would like to encourage you to do your part to save a life by donating blood this month.

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