Use These Apps to Help Take Inventory at Home

Home Inventory Apps & Homeowners Insurance Rexburg IDIf you’re updating your home inventory, these apps can help.

Can you name every item you own and roughly what it’s valued at? Unless you have a photographic memory, you probably couldn’t list everything you own.

So if a disaster strikes, like a large fire at home or a hurricane, you might run into trouble when trying to make a claim on everything lost. Your settlement will depend on how comprehensive your inventory is, so it’s worth having a detailed and up-to-date list just in case.

Good news! Technology has solutions for us.  There are many apps designed for just this issue.

These apps allow you to store pictures, receipts, a description, how much you paid, and where you bought it. It’s also important that your inventory be stored somewhere safe, like a cloud database so that if your phone is lost or destroyed, you will not lose your inventory. Most apps offer this.

While taking a comprehensive inventory might sound like a tedious task, it’s well worth it. So many people are underinsured or unprepared when they actually have to make a claim.  If you go through the experience of not being able to recover losses after an unexpected life situation, chances are you are more willing to take the time to do this. Don’t wait for something bad to happen to learn your lesson! Learn from those who know from experience.

Here are some apps to help you get started:

  1. Inventory Buddy – for just $1.99 this app can store an unlimited number of locations to track things. This is great if you have multiple properties.
  2. Home Inventory Remote – this app is $19.99 with a Mac App Editors’ Choice designation.
  3. Know Your Stuff Home Inventory – free, this app backs up your data to the cloud for access to the information if something should happen.

Once you update your home inventory, you need to update your homeowners insurance accordingly. To make that easy, contact Bell Black Insurance in Rexburg, Idaho.

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