Will Your Home Insurance Cover Damage From a Sewer Backup?

Sewer pipe into the house

Sewer Back Up Coverage

If you have an existing homeowners insurance policy, you are probably aware that your policy will not provide any protection for damage that is caused by a flood. However, are you covered if water comes up through a drain or sewer? Since the water that comes through a sewer or drain is not considered surface water, many homeowners are left underwater, not knowing if their home insurance policy will or will not provide coverage.

In general, sewer backup is not covered under your homeowners’ insurance policy. Most often, a rider is added to home insurance policies to provide protection in case of a sewer backup problem. You also have the option to invest in a whole separate policy with a separate deductible for sewer backup issues.

Most sewer backup policies have limits that are between $5,000 and $10,000. When looking for the right amount of coverage, make sure to consider the cost of your home. If you have a finished basement, a $5,000 coverage limit will probably not provide enough coverage. Make sure you invest in enough protection to cover the cost to repair or replace any areas of your home that can be damaged by a sewer backup issue.

A sewer backup issue can be caused from a variety of different factors, including inclement weather. If there is heavy rainfall, the sewer in your area may not be able to handle the influx of water that is coming from the sky, as well as running off the road. Being sure that you are covered with the right insurance policy is the best way to know that you are protected from any peril at your home.

Contact the insurance experts at Bell Black Insurance in Rexburg, Idaho for all of your homeowners insurance coverage needs and to ensure that you are covered from any unfortunate situation.

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