The Key To Maximized Performance

Audi Maintenance

Audi is a brand synonymous with performance, luxury, and innovation. But, to enjoy the full potential of your Audi, it’s important to take good care of it. Maximizing your Audi’s performance means investing in regular Audi maintenance. Here’s how maintaining your Audi can help to give you the best performance for you to enjoy.

Improved Performance

Regular maintenance ensures that your Audi will continue to run well. A well-maintained engine is more responsive and is less likely to break down. Prioritizing oil changes and spark plug replacements all help your engine to maximize its performance. Replacing your various engine filters will protect your engine from premature decay. All these small things add to ensuring the best on-road performance

Better Fuel Efficiency

Another gain is better fuel economy. Engines that run efficiently consume less fuel. One way to optimize your fuel efficiency is by getting an Audi tune-up. An experienced technician will fine comb your engine for any required maintenance. Fuel efficiency is enjoyed over time. Although you may not notice a substantial saving in gas over one month, give it a few months or years, and the savings will add up fast

Better Safety

Your family’s safety is paramount. Climbing into your car should give you peace of mind and not cause anxiety. Regular Audi maintenance ensures that your car remains safe and sound. Safety checks will always include your brakes and wheels. Failing brakes are a big contributor to car accidents, so your trusted Audi technician will always inspect these systems. Brake fluid levels, brake rotors and pads, and tire tread and pressures will be assessed. On top of this, your suspension will be checked as well. Tip-top functioning wheels will better your performance on the road.

Longer Lifespan On The Road

Regularly maintained Audi’s will provide you with more performance enjoyment for longer. Attending to small issues before they become big ones will save you on costly repairs down the line. This is where the beauty of scheduled maintenance comes into effect. Every component on your car is checked when it needs to be. But, most importantly, your Audi will give you many more years to enjoy all the South Florida offers

Make Sure You perform These Audi Maintenance Tasks

There are some key service items that you should always get serviced. The good news is that a reputable auto service facility will have all these covered.

Oil Changes

Regular oil changes are a must to keep your engine running smoothly. Audi recommends getting your oil changed every 10,000 miles or once a year, whichever comes first

Tire Rotations

Tire rotations help to ensure even wear and extend the life of your tires. Once again, Audi recommends rotating your tires every 10,000 miles or sooner if required.

Brake Inspections

Brake pads and rotors wear out over time. You don’t want to be on the receiving end of a failing brake system. Audi recommends a brake inspection every 20,000 miles

Coolant Replacement

Coolant regulates your engine’s temperature. Over time, your coolant will lose its effectiveness and become contaminated. Be sure to get your coolant replaced every 60,000 miles.

Transmission Servicing

Regular transmission services will save you from having to prematurely replace your transmission, which can cost an arm and a leg. Be sure to get your transmission serviced every 40,000 miles.

Audi Maintenance And Performance In Pompano Beach

Foreign Affairs Motorwerks offers a comprehensive scheduled maintenance package for your Audi. You’ll never have to worry about what needs to be done and when. Simply check your car into our world-class facility, and our technicians will take care of everything. It’s guaranteed performance and longevity for your Audi. Call us today at 954 746 0488.

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