How long does a car battery last — Ricks Free Auto Repair Advice Ricks Free Auto Repair Advice

How long does a car battery last — it all depends

Don’t all car batteries last 3-4 years? Nope

Car battery life depends on where you live.

High heat is the #1 killer of car batteries. If you live in a hot climate, you’ll have to replace your car battery more often than those who live in more moderate climates

Car battery life depends on how you drive

If you drive your car on short drives of less than 5 miles, you’ll kill your battery much faster than if you drive long distances. Why? Because starting your car and driving for short distances doesn’t allow your battery to get fully recharged from the power needed to start it. So your battery is always in a state of discharge and that causes permanent damage. The more short trips you take, the faster you discharge your battery, especially if you use the heater, defogger, heated seats, heated mirrors or AC while you’re on those short trips.

How to avoid damaging your battery. Purchase a battery maintainer and connect it to your battery once a week to bring it up to full charge. OR, take it on a longer trip (at least 20 miles at highway speeds).

Battery life depends on how often you use your vehicle

All car batteries self discharge when left unused. Worse yet, the computers in your vehicle use a small amount of power 24/7. A car battery can become 30-40% discharged in just 30 days. That’s why all carmakers recommend using your car at least once a month. When a car battery is left in a discharged state, sulfate crystals develop and cut the battery’s capacity. The longer the battery sits unused, the worse the crystal formation. If you charge the battery with a battery charger of by driving, you can sometimes reverse the crystal formation. But if you let it sit for too long (60 days or more), the crystals harden, killing your battery.

When it comes to car batteries; use it or lose it.

Car battery life depends on how well it’s secured

Vibration is the second most common killer of car batteries. Carmakers secure the battery with clamps and hold-down brackets to reduce vibration. If you don’t maintain those hold-down devices and let your battery bounce around, you’ll dramatically reduce its life.

How long your car battery lasts depends on you well you maintain it

Battery terminals and posts develop corrosion over time and

leaking car battery

Notice the corrosion and the wetness on the top of the battery. This car battery is leaking between the case and the post

that corrosion increases electrical resistance. Increased electrical resistance results in a constantly discharged battery.

Battery terminals and posts should be cleaned with a wire brush at least once a year or any time you see corrosion.

Tips to increase car battery life

Drive Longer Distances: Whenever possible, opt for longer drives to allow the battery to recharge fully. This practice prevents the battery from discharging completely and promotes healthier chemical reactions within the battery.

Park in a Garage: If feasible, park your vehicle in a garage or shaded area to protect it from extreme temperature fluctuations. This helps maintain a more stable environment for the battery and reduces the impact of temperature-related stress.

Disconnect for Extended Storage: If you plan to store your vehicle for an extended period, consider disconnecting the battery or using a battery maintainer to prevent parasitic drain and ensure the battery retains its charge.

Choose a Quality Battery: When replacing your car battery, opt for a reputable brand and higher-quality battery. While it may cost more upfront, the investment can lead to better performance and a longer lifespan.

©, 2023 Rick Muscoplat

Posted on by Rick Muscoplat

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