Category: Auto Insurance Coverage FAQs

Does my auto insurance cover damage caused by a falling object?

What You Should Know Comprehensive auto insurance covers all non-collision damage It may also cover falling objects from bad weather, such as hail or debris Falling objects from another car may get covered by that vehicle’s owner If you’re wondering whether auto insurance covers damage caused by a falling object, you can rest easy with affordable […]

Liability, Collision, and Animal Collisions

What You Should Know Liability coverage protects you financially if you’re at fault in an accident that causes injury or property damage to others Collision coverage typically covers damages to your vehicle in a collision with another car or object Comprehensive coverage protects against damages caused by events other than collisions, including animal-related accidents Dealing […]

Can I bundle my Auto-Owners auto insurance with other policies? =

What You Should Know You can bundle your Auto-Owners auto insurance with other policies These other policies include personal coverage options like homeowners, renters, life insurance You could also bundle your auto insurance alongside commercial coverage and business insurance It’s smart to reduce your expenses wherever possible, and you may be looking closely at your […]

What is the difference between primary and secondary auto insurance coverage?

What You Should Know Primary auto insurance coverage is responsible for covering a claim first in the event of an accident Secondary auto insurance coverage is purchased as additional coverage to ensure that any costs not covered by primary insurance are still covered Understanding primary vs. secondary coverage is important to avoid confusion and ensure […]

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