Category: boeing737

Troubled Chinese Airliner Finally Slated For First Commercial Flight

Photo: Imaginechina (AP) Building a commercial airliner is a task so monumental that there are only two significant manufacturers in the world, Airbus and Boeing. However, the People’s Republic of China hopes to break into the multi-billion dollar market with its first domestically-produced large passenger aircraft, the Comac C919. After 14 years of development and […]

Boeing Argues There Was No Pain or Suffering in 737 Max Crash

We’re one week past the four-year anniversary of the crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, which went down in Ethiopia shortly after takeoff on March 10, 2019, killing all 157 people onboard. It was the second crash involving a Boeing 737 Max airplane, occurring just a few months after Lion Air Flight 610 went down […]

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