Category: competitionbetweenairbusandboeing

Troubled Chinese Airliner Finally Slated For First Commercial Flight

Photo: Imaginechina (AP) Building a commercial airliner is a task so monumental that there are only two significant manufacturers in the world, Airbus and Boeing. However, the People’s Republic of China hopes to break into the multi-billion dollar market with its first domestically-produced large passenger aircraft, the Comac C919. After 14 years of development and […]

Why Retired Planes Are Still Worth Millions of Dollars

The utilitarian design and the rivets holding everything together can make it feel like airliners are built to last forever. Despite this illusion of longevity, a commercial airliner can expect to last around 27 years in service. But once they leave an airline’s fleet, there are still millions of dollars worth of components hidden in […]

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