Category: Cruise

Californians Stop Self Driving Cars With Traffic Cones

Screenshot: safestreetrebel/TikTok Folks in San Francisco are not pleased with the self-driving cars taking over their streets, and now they seem to be taking action. A new TikTok trend shows San Francisco citizens disabling robo-taxis using the humble and widely available traffic cone. GM Just Cant Seem To Quit The Chevy Bolt It’s safe to […]

An Unexpected Kaido Racer Encounter

Coincidence: a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. I find myself constantly busy these days with the never-ending tasks of parental responsibility, leaving just a splash of spare time to tinker with Project Rough (which is overdue for an update). I haven’t had much time for actual Speedhunting, and because of that […]

GM’s Cruise Recalls Autonomous Vehicles Following Crash Into Articulated Bus

No injuries were reported in the accident, and Cruise blames the accident on the “unique movements of articulated vehicles” by Sebastien Bell April 7, 2023 at 10:39 by Sebastien Bell General Motors’ autonomous vehicle division, Cruise LLC, has recalled all 300 of its vehicles following a crash that it calls “anomalous.” It has now released […]

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