Category: Kei Miura

Overfender Magic: The Rocket Bunny RZ34

It’s a funny world we live in. Despite pretty much every automaker saying that EVs are our future and that we’ll soon all be living in a perfect, sustainable society where CO2 emissions from vehicles are a thing of the past, the good old internal combustion engine (ICE) continues to power the majority of new cars. Especially the ones […]

Back On The Street & Badder Than Ever: The Hardcore Pandem ’70 Camaro

When a car has a good backstory attached to it, it really gives it some character. Not that a 1970 Pandem-kitted Chevy Camaro really needs any help in that department. Its owner, and head honcho of Hardcore Tokyo, Junichi Takahashi (better known as Jun) also oozes character. The Camaro is Jun-san’s personal project influenced by a lifetime digesting […]

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