Category: uber

Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law Clears Charges Against Uber Driver

Florida’s Stand Your Ground law has been controversial since its inception. It was the subject of widespread debate following the murder of Trayvon Martin in 2012, and since then, more and more states have followed in Florida’s footsteps passing similar laws that seemingly allows individuals to use force in certain situations with little-to-no consequence if […]

Jalopnik’s Perfect Airport Would Have These Amenities, Features

I want to find myself overwhelmed with choices for food. Warm or cold. Can I get a gluten-free pastry? Or a hat like that?Photo: simonapilolla (Getty Images) My close friends, family and Jalop coworkers are very familiar with my very long list of food allergies. You might be too, if you’ve ever sat on a […]

Uber CEO Became a Driver To See What Drivers Really Go Through

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi was under pressure to boost the ride-hailing app’s revenue in the wake of the global pandemic, which brought the overall economy in the U.S. to a screeching halt, but boosted the gig economy to such a degree that Uber could not meet user demand. Uber needed more drivers, and fast, but […]

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