High-risk car insurance | Dairyland Auto®

How can you lower your high-risk auto insurance costs?

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce coverage costs and eventually lose your high-risk designation completely:

Improve your credit score

In most states, your credit score is related to your risk as a customer—statistically, drivers with lower credit scores are less likely to pay their premiums. Even if your low credit score is the result of missed payments or financial struggles several years back, it can still contribute to higher car insurance rates.

That’s why rebuilding a bad credit score over time can help lower your rates. You can start improving your credit score a number of ways, including:

  • Making on-time payments
  • Checking your credit report for errors
  • Paying down credit card debt

Maintain good driving habits

Since your high-risk status is largely based on your driving record, one of the most important steps for lowering your insurance costs is driving safely and avoiding accidents, helping you remove points from your driving record along the way.

Keep consistent auto insurance

Many insurance companies regard drivers without six months of continuous coverage to be high-risk drivers. If you have a registered vehicle, you should always have car insurance.

Even if you don’t own a vehicle but need to drive occasionally, consider a non-owner insurance policy, which can help protect you if you’re found to be at fault in an accident while driving a vehicle you don’t own.

Use public transportation

If you have access to modes of public transportation such as a bus or train, use them for trips like your daily commute. Especially in higher-traffic areas, this can help you avoid common areas and times of day with heightened risks of accidents and traffic violations.

Shop around and compare prices

Just like you would for any major purchase, make sure you do your research and continuously evaluate the cost of your policy.

As a high-risk driver, it’s important to understand everything that impacts your car insurance and how you can work toward reducing the cost of your high-risk auto insurance policy.

If you’re a driver searching for the best high-risk auto insurance, find the right plan for you today by receiving a free quote or speaking with your local agent.

Auto insurance blog: Safe driving, car insurance tips and more | Dairyland® auto

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