How Getting Healthier Can Save You Money

How Getting Healthier Can Save You MoneyTips to get healthier so you save money.  

Even if you already have a great health insurance policy in place, you may hope that you never have to use it. You may even wonder how to save yourself money.  One way to save money on your health insurance policy is to get healthier. Here’s how you can save money by getting healthier.

Exercise lowers health bills.

Exercise is a great stress reliever, and it can also heighten energy, improve sleep, and lead to a longer life. Just 30 minutes of physical activity is recommended. Exercise can also do wonders for your bank account. Regular activity decreases the risk of chronic health conditions, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers, stroke, and diabetes. These medical conditions can be costly to treat, so helping to prevent them can save you money.

Kicking bad habits eliminates hefty expenses.

Even if you exercise every day, you are still harming your health if you smoke a pack a day. Cigarettes increase the risk of chronic health conditions, such as cancer and heart disease. What’s more, smoking is a costly habit. Save your wallet by kicking the habit and treating your body better.

Being a healthy weight saves you on life insurance.

You’re not the only one sizing up your weight. Life insurance companies have strict height and weight guidelines. Even tipping the scale a few pounds the wrong direction can cost you more money. Losing just a few more pounds and maintaining a healthy BMI can save you 25 percent or more on life insurance. Commitment to moderate exercise and a healthy diet can help you shave off a few pounds and help you to save money in the long run.

While you focus on improving your health, leave your insurance in the capable hands of Bell Black Insurance. We serve all insurance needs for those in Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton, and the neighboring communities in Idaho, as well as Jackson and Star Valley in Wyoming.

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