How to Scale Back on Your Social Media Usage

Unplug from social media more often with these tips.

 Social media is a great way to stay connected to friends and family around the world and even down the road. It can also, however, be a major time-waster. It’s easy to open an app, scroll for a little while, and then realize 30 minutes has passed. Dialing back your social media might not seem easy, but we are here to help.

 Turn off notifications

If you’re not receiving pings every so often, you’ll be less tempted to pick up your phone and check it. Most social media apps have a notification setting where you can turn off notifications altogether.

 Delete them

Often, we open social media apps out of boredom and end up mindlessly scrolling. By deleting the ones that aren’t really useful to you, you lessen the odds of wasting precious time of your day.

 Use a real alarm clock

The number one reason people say they keep their phone beside their bed is to use the alarm clock function. But what it really leads to is interruptions to your sleep and scrolling aimlessly last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Use a real alarm clock to start your day on a more productive note rather than checking your Twitter feed.

 Keep it out of sight

Out of sight, out of mind, right? Challenge yourself to be more present in the moment by putting your phone away when you’re with family, friends, and colleagues. Leave your phone at your desk when you go to lunch or lock it in a drawer when it’s family time in the evening. It’s a seemingly simple task that many of us forget to do.

Check out our useful tips on how to achieve a better tech/life balance. While you focus on unplugging, leave your insurance in the capable hands of Bell Black Insurance. We serve all insurance needs for those in Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton, and the neighboring communities in Idaho, as well as Jackson and Star Valley in Wyoming.

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