Tips for Preventing Car Theft

Every year, thousands of cars are stolen by carjackers looking for a joyride, a getaway car or a quick sale to a chop shop. Most people think that thieves target mostly expensive sports cars, but in many cases, it’s common models that are selected because their interchangeable parts are harvested for profit. The best way to prevent your car from being stolen is to make it a more difficult target. A carjacker wants to select cars that are quick and easy to break into, with parts that are in good condition. How can you make your car a less appealing target? man with hand on handle of car door

  • Always be aware of your surroundings. Keep your windows shut and doors locked when driving through a bad part of town. Avoid parking in such areas; rather, choose a well-lit, populated area to leave your car.
  • Roll the windows up and lock your car every time you park, even if just for a few minutes. Engage the car’s alarm system if you have one.
  • Never leave your car running unattended. To that note, never leave an extra key in your car (which includes taped to the underside of the wheel well).
  • Hide valuables (iPods, cell phones, purses, wrapped gifts etc.) in the glove box or trunk. If left out on the seat, these items become an invitation to thieves.
  • Put your registration information in your wallet instead of the glove box. This makes it more difficult for carjackers to sell your car if they successfully steal it.
  • If you must park in an area that causes you worry, consider arming your car with a steering wheel lock. 
  • For those who are serious about security, etching your car’s VIN on each glass panel makes the car as a whole less appealing because the parts are technically damaged. 

  • Every step you take toward protecting your car and arming it against potential theft could qualify you for auto insurance savings. Ask your independent insurance agent if you’re eligible for a safe car discount today! 

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