Top Practices to Keep Your Identity Safe

Even in our password-protected world, millions of Americans still fall victim to identity theft every year. Hackers are getting smarter by the day and are taking advantage of people being careless with their account information and mail. If you’ve ever been subject to identity theft, you will understand how painstaking and lengthy the recovery process can be. To save yourself a headache, take a look at these top tips on how to protect your identity.


Start shredding documents – If you don’t want to safely store bank statements, utility bills, and credit card offers, then shred them instead of putting them into the recycling or trash. Criminals have been known to rifle through trash to find these documents, which gives them easy access to your details and accounts.


Change your passwords – Get into the habit of changing your passwords seasonally. Avoid using the same one for all accounts and devices. Mix up upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Also, do not write these passwords down.


Check your credit report often – Receive a credit report from one of the three major providers, and scan through the document. Report any errors, incorrect spellings, and transactions you do not recognize immediately.


Keep plans to yourself – If you announce on social media that you are leaving for a weekend away, you never know who could be watching your profile, waiting for you to leave to break into your house. If you have documents and credit cards lying around, you could be hanging a criminal a key to your identity. Instead, wait until you are safely back from your trip to post pictures and tell your online friends all about it.


From Bell Black Insurance, we hope that these tips help to keep your identity better protected. For any questions about your insurance, contact us today.

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