Try Out These Tips to Keep Your Kids’ Teeth Healthy

Keeping your child’s teeth healthy.


As adults, we understand the importance of good dental habits. As parents, you try your best to pass that onto your children. Keeping your child’s teeth clean and healthy can help protect both your child and your pocket. To get started, we’ve rounded up some essential tips to help keep your child’s teeth.


Be a role model. Kids like to imitate those around them, so make sure you’re setting a good example. Brush and floss with your kids, rather than sending them into the bathroom on their own. Make it part of the daily routine rather than a chore.


Teach them. Children learn best when being taught exactly what to do. Show kids under the age of 3 to use a rice-size amount of toothpaste. Once kids understand not to swallow the toothpaste, then they can use a pea-size amount.


Schedule regular dental appointments. Keep a regular routine of visiting the dentist twice a year. By keeping up with their oral health in their childhood, you help to reinforce the standard that they should keep on top of their dental appointments.


Eat healthy foods. Avoid sugary drinks and fast food that can harm teeth and overall health. Teach children that when sugar sits on their teeth, it can create decay – and we all want healthy, strong teeth to enjoy the things we love.


While you focus on reinforcing good dental habits in your child, leave your insurance in the capable hands of Bell Black Insurance. We serve all insurance needs for those in Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton, and the neighboring communities in Idaho, as well as Jackson and Star Valley in Wyoming.

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