Discover Your Best Option When It Comes To Car Paint Repair

So, a Brief Recap of Types of Paint Damage and Which Ones Can Be Fixed with a Machine Polish vs a Car Respray

All the above methods can protect your car’s paint from harmful elements. However, you can choose the right product and way based on your car and living conditions. The car’s paint is vulnerable to many things, including acid, ultraviolet fading, bird lime, bird poop, and rain etching. All these will cause dull spots and uneven marks on your vehicle. You can prevent all those possibilities with an additional layer and extra effort.

Your car paint can witness different types of damage as noted above and cause the following signs of damage on your car, including sun damage, swirls, paint oxidation, bird dropping, paint fading, paint peeling, deep scratches, and water spots. You can address most minor issues with a machine polishing car paint repair process by a skilled car detailer. However, peeling and deep scratches might require respraying. You can avoid most of these damages by adding a layer of protection to the paint and obviously regularly washing/cleaning your car – consistency is key. A simple addition can protect your car paint from external elements and avoid all the hassles associated with polishing and respraying.

Schmicko Mobile Car Detailing & Car Care

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