How to Properly Maintain Your Tyres

Maintain Your Tyres

Your tyres play an important role in keeping your vehicle stable and balanced while you’re on the road. In fact, those thick rings of rubber are the only things connecting your vehicle to the asphalt. Without a good set of tyres, your vehicle will lose manoeuvrability, which in turn, increases your risk of getting into an accident.

So, in order to stay in control of your vehicle, you need to regularly take care of your wheels. In this blog, we’re going to help you do just that.

Here are five things you need to do to properly maintain your car’s tyres.

  1. Rotate tyres regularly

If you want your tyres to function properly for years to come, you need to make sure that they wear down evenly. Since your front wheels do a lot of the turning, they tend to wear down on the sides. On the other hand, since the rear wheels aren’t doing the steering, the wear tends to show up down the middle. Over time, this uneven wear can lead to vibrations, pulling, wobbling and a general lack of control over your vehicle.

To ensure even wear, you must rotate your tyres every six months or every 10,000 km travelled. How you rotate your tyres will depend on whether your vehicle is a front-wheel drive (FWD) or a rear-wheel drive (RWD).

If you have a FWD, it’s recommended that you swap your left and right front tyres and then send them to the rear. The rear tyres should remain on their respective sides and sent forward.

If you have a RWD, you should swap your left and right rear tyres and then send them forward. The front tyres should remain on their original sides and sent to the rear.

  1. Have the right tyre pressure

Maintaining the proper tyre pressure is also important. Tyres that are inflated properly tend to last much longer than under-inflated tyres. Under-inflation can also lead to blowouts, increased fuel consumption and an increased stopping distance. Over-inflated tyres are not any better. Over-inflation can cause less traction, uneven wear and reduced control over the vehicle.

To avoid these problems, you need to check your tyre pressure every month or two. Having a pressure gauge at home is a great way of keeping track of your air pressure. If you don’t have such tools at home, you can also pay a visit to your local petrol station where they’ll have an air compressor and a pressure gauge.

To find the right tyre pressure for your vehicle, refer to the manufacturer’s handbook. Alternatively, you can also consult a qualified mechanic for advice.

  1. Avoid rough terrain

Yes, some vehicles are designed to go through the muddiest hills and the bumpiest roads. However, this doesn’t mean that rough terrain has no effect on the car. Driving through potholes, rocky hills, unpaved roads and muddy lawns will almost certainly decrease the lifespan of your tyres. Driving through rough terrains can lead to punctures, blowouts and uneven wear.

Driving up a rocky hill is alright every once in a while. However, if you do it too often, it can cause a lot of issues for your tyres in the future.

Another thing to consider is your speed. Speeding applies a lot of friction on your tyres, which then leads to premature wearing. Additionally, going faster than the speed limit will only put others (and yourself) in danger. So, for the sake of your tyres and for the sake of those around you, it’s best to slow down while you’re on the road.

  1. Inspect the tyre treads regularly

The tread is what allows the tyres to grip the road. If the tread becomes worn, your vehicle will lose manoeuvrability and there will be an increase in its stopping distance. Both of these outcomes heighten your risk of getting into a car accident. As such, you should inspect the tyre treads every one to two months.

When it comes to the tyre tread, there are a few things that you need to look out for. The first are the wear bars. Wear bars designed to show up on the surface of the tyre once the tread becomes too worn down. If these bars become visible, you will need to replace your tyres.

You should also look out for any debris that might be stuck in the tread. Such debris can lead to a puncture and consequently a flat tyre.

  1. Get your car serviced

Unfortunately, some issues can only be identified by professional car servicers. Sometimes, subtle things like wheel misalignment and suspension issues can only be identified by a professional mechanic.

As such, it’s important that you regularly visit your local car service centre for maintenance. Not only will this ensure the longevity of your tyres, but it will also ensure the longevity of your vehicle.

When it comes to car maintenance, it’s important not to cut corners. Neglecting proper car maintenance will not only worsen the performance of your vehicle but it will also increase your risk of getting into a car accident. So, for the sake of road safety, you should take care of your tyres as best as you can.

APA Journal

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