For The Ultimate Vacation, Get The Sahara Force India F1 Team’s Old Motorhome

On sale in Germany for half a million dollars, the “motorhome” requires five trucks to move around and a crane to assemble

by Sebastien Bell

5 hours ago

 For The Ultimate Vacation, Get The Sahara Force India F1 Team’s Old Motorhome

by Sebastien Bell

If you’re anything like me, when you watch F1, one of the questions you might have is how the massive buildings teams occupy in the paddock can possibly be referred to as motorhomes. The good news is, now you can see how one of these things comes together.

The even better news is that you can buy one of your own! That’s right, for the low, low price of just €500,000 ($538,334 USD at current exchange rates), you can buy the Sahara Force India F1 team‘s old motorhome.

For sale on eBay in Germany, the listing notes that the motorhome that was used during the 2018 F1 season is “elegant and fully equipped” with comfortable sleeping areas, bathrooms with showers and toilets, a spacious reception area, and more.

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In a video shot by Matt Amys, you can go on a full tour of your new digs, or simply see what goes on behind the scenes in the F1 team’s motorhome. He reports that the trailer actually comes almost fully furnished.

In the main reception area, all of the tables and chairs that the team used can be found, as can the bar, and the restrooms. Upstairs, the desks used by the team’s strategists and its social media teams can also be found, as can the driver’s changing rooms, which come complete with built-ins, a massage table, and even Esteban Ocon‘s fireproof underwear from the 2018 season.

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There’s also a top deck for parties, and some old driver data left behind by its previous owner. According to Amys, however, the kitchen is a little less than fully furnished, featuring only some fridges.

If you’re wondering how a three-story building with massage tables and industrial fridges qualifies as a motorhome, it does actually break down and lay flat for transportation purposes. Staggeringly, it only takes four people (and a crane) to take down and put back up, though it does also require five trucks to cart around, which likely adds on fuel costs.

Although half a million dollars is objectively a lot of money, it’s actually a steal for this motorhome, which cost the Force India €7.8 million ($8.4 million USD) when new. Although it seems likely to be a logistical nightmare, there’s something so deeply enticing about this thing that we can’t help but want it.


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