5 Reasons to Walk More Often

Why We Should Walk MoreForget the gym – a brisk walk is a great workout!

If someone were to tell you that one simple activity could melt away the pounds, benefit your health, and leave you on an emotional high, what do you think that would be? Before you whip out your check book, know that this exercise is completely free and doesn’t require any specialized equipment. Yes, walking benefits your mind, body, and soul!

Here are some reasons why you should take a stand and get walking today:

Walking lessens the likelihood of a stroke and other cardiovascular problems. Walking strengthens the heart by increasing the heart rate while lowering levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.

Walking reduces the risk of obesity. Walking is the simplest form of exercise that you can do to prevent the onset of obesity. Walking trims your waistline by burning calories. No matter how slow or short you walk, you’ll shed the pounds if you start walking more.

Walking improves memory. Older people who walk six miles or more per week are more likely to avoid brain shrinkage and preserve their memory as the years pass. Get walking today – it’s never too soon to start.

Walking regulates your blood pressure. A heart-pumping walking routine can help lower your blood pressure. Walking at a moderately-intense speed is just as effective as jogging at lowering risk of high blood pressure.

Walking boosts your vitamin D levels. Getting outside in the fresh air and sunshine improves our bone health and our immune systems. Remedy your low vitamin D levels with a nice stroll around the neighborhood.

From the industry experts, Bell Black Insurance, we hope that you enjoy taking an evening stroll around the neighborhood tonight. Be sure to visit us for all of your insurance needs in the Oakley, Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton communities in Idaho, and Jackson and Star Valley within Wyoming.

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