Already Broke Your New Year’s Resolutions? Use This Guide to Get Back on Track

New Year's Resolutions4 ways to succeed at following through with your New Year’s goals.

2016 is going to be your year, but it’s only been a few weeks and keeping those resolutions might be getting tough.

It’s hard to establish new patterns in our life.  Anyone knows that.  It’s important to remember what these resolutions mean to you and get back on track.  All is not lost; stay stubborn! Here are some surefire tips to keep you on track and stepping towards your goals.

  • Make a list with pen and paper or on your phone or on your computer. It’s doesn’t matter where – just write those goals down! When we visually see our goals written out, it’s the first step towards bringing them into reality.
  • Divide and conquer. Take a big goal like €œbecome healthy€ and break it down into baby steps. Step 1 – cut out sugar and alcohol. Step 2 – Start biking to work. Step 3 – Speak positively in conversation with friends and family.  Any big goal can be broken down into little parts, which makes you begin to see it as more realistic and attainable.
  • Set time goals, too. The famous jazz musician Duke Ellington said, €œI don’t need time, I need deadlines.€ Pressure makes diamonds!  Put a little healthy pressure on yourself to hit certain checkpoints at certain times.  This will start them!  No one is going to care unless you do.
  • Allow room for error. Remember, change is a process, not a switch we flip on or off. There are going to be some awkward puberty-like moments as you become a beautiful swan.  You’ll most likely have to go through mood swings and frustration as your old patterns nag at you to not abandon them, but stay strong!  Your positive intention and mental fortitude will carry you to success.  In the end, you’ll look down from the top of the mountain and truly see how far you’ve come.  You can do it!

Keeping your new year’s resolutions will require focus, so let Bell Black Insurance take your insurance concerns off your plate! Contact our Rexburg, Idaho team for all of your policy needs.

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