How To Protect The Paint Of Your Car

If you want to keep your car looking new for longer, we will tell you how to protect the paint of your vehicle.

Maintaining the natural shine of our vehicle is one of the key points so that it maintains its original appearance and the bodywork does not deteriorate. We will start by saying that to take care of the shine and color of the car paint it is essential to wash it periodically, every month or month and a half. Accumulated dirt can cause serious damage, embedded stains, or scratches that will be very difficult to remove. Here are some tips to protect your car’s paint.

How to protect the paint of your car?

Every day the paint of your car is exposed to external agents that can damage it and make it lose its shine, which will mean that you have to spend a lot of money to be able to paint the car again. If you want to keep it in the best condition for longer, pay attention to these tips to protect your car’s paint.

act immediately

When damage occurs to the body of your vehicle, the best option will be to act as soon as possible to prevent it from accumulating and causing further damage. This can cause damage to make the bodywork more exposed to corrosion. Also, if they are small, you can easily repair them yourself using pencils or sprays to remove scratches without having to go to a workshop.

Always park it in the garage

Parking the car in the garage or other covered places will save you many bodywork problems in your vehicle since you will keep it protected from the sun, bad weather, and bird droppings.

The latter can be very harmful since they cause acids capable of corroding the paint, causing very serious damage to it that can only be solved with the intervention of a professional if they are not acted on quickly.

Don’t park in the sun

If the car is going to be parked on the street for a long time, it is best to choose a place where the sun does not shine directly. Ultraviolet radiation can cause paint to fade and lose its shine. Whenever you can, park it in the shade or protect it with a tarp if you are not going to move it for a long period.

On the other hand, if you are looking for shade, do not do it under a tree since many birds live there and can ruin the paint on your car. In addition to droppings, plants can also release resins or pollens that are very difficult to remove.

wash the car frequently

Frequent cleaning is essential to keep your car’s paint in perfect condition. With this simple action, you will eliminate those substances that have been able to accumulate and that can damage the paint of the car. Daily, the vehicle faces asphalt, fuel, and insects… which can cause damage to the bodywork. The best option is to wash the car frequently at least once a month and after long trips to remove insect remains in summer and salt in winter.

Avoid car washes

Washing the car is just as important as doing it the right way. To protect the paint of your car, when washing, avoid those automatic ones that have rollers as they can cause damage to the paint and even to the bodywork. The rollers have large brushes with bristles that drag across the surface of the vehicle, causing an abrasion that will generate small scratches. In addition, many of these can accumulate dirt from other cars, so the problem may be greater. Whenever you can, perform manual or pressure cleaning to avoid unnecessary damage.

Use specific products

To clean the car, it is necessary to resort to specific products designed for car care. Do not use elements that can damage the car to remove dirt as they can cause very serious damage. The best option is to choose sponges designed for this task and special shampoos for cars. This product has a PH designed to take care of the paint that helps to eliminate substances that are harmful to the vehicle. Once clean, you should always dry it using a cloth and a microfiber towel.

decontaminates paint

Every 3 or 6 months, you can take specific actions aimed at protecting your car’s paint. Paint decontamination treatments eliminate those substances that cannot be removed by washing and that adhere to the paint. This process should be done by a professional.

wax the car

If you have decontaminated the vehicle, the best option to keep it in the best condition is to wax it. The application of wax will create a protective film on the paint, which will acquire shine and act as a repellent for dirt and water.

polish the paint

It is advisable to polish your car’s paint every 2-3 years to remove all light damage. With this, you will remove the superficial layer of the paint in which these damages are found to restore the surface while recovering the shine.

Schmicko Mobile Car Detailing & Car Care

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