Category: electriccars

I’m Not EV Startup Executive Lawrence Hardge

Random friend requests from users around the world. Messages of support and congratulations for features or technology I had nothing to do with. These are the things I’ve been dealing with for the past few months as people flock to my Facebook profile. And they all have one thing in common: they all come from […]

Earth Doesn’t Have Enough Lithium For EVs

Image: Lucas Aguayo Araos (AP) Automakers are pushing full steam ahead on their EV plans. But reality is starting to set in when it comes to sourcing raw materials to build the millions of EVs, and specifically EV batteries, automakers hope people will buy. While some companies may be ignoring a possible crisis, others are […]

These Are the Cars That Will Convince You to Switch to EVs

Photo: Nissan The more I’ve been thinking and discussing, there really isn’t any type of car that needs to go electric to convince me to buy electric. Generally speaking, by making a particular make/model into an EV variation would simply ruin it in some ways while making it better in other ways. One thing that […]

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