Category: humaninterest

U.S. Recovered ‘Intact Vehicles’ Of Non-Human Origin: Report

An absolutely bonkers report out Monday from the news outlet Debrief details the efforts of a former U.S. intelligence agent to bring to light an 80-plus-year cover up about the truth about UFOs or, as they are now known, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. We’re Driving the 2024 Integra Type S, What Do You Want to Know? David […]

Tina Turner, Singer And Plymouth Laser Spokesperson, Dies at 83

Sad news out of the entertainment industry Wednesday after Tina Turner, the fantastic, soulful American singer and former Plymouth-brand spokesperson, passed away at her home in Küsnacht, Switzerland after several years of failing health following a stroke. The Best Full-Size Pickup Line Goes To…. | Jalopinions Turner is best known for her incredible voice, exploding […]

No, Fernando Alonso and Taylor Swift Are Almost Certainly Not Dating

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Fernando Alonso and Taylor Swift are not dating. Sure, there’s plenty of rumor and speculation around the happy not-couple, but none of it’s true. It’s not even that the rumor is wrong—the rumor is fake, nothing more than a fun bit of imagination from the […]

See How the new Corvette Z06 Compares to a Porsche 911 GT3

If you’re an enthusiast with money to burn, you won’t settle for any lowly base-model sports car. No, you want the best—the fastest and most capable cars to be had in the low-six-figure range. But how do you decide what to buy? Should you opt for European performance, with the Porsche 911 GT3, or would […]

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