Suggestions for Creating an Effective Wellness Program

Tips to help you create an effective wellness plan for your team.

Any business owner knows just how valuable employees are to the success of the company. Implementing employee wellness programs can help to benefit your team as well as reduce your company’s health care costs. Employees who participate in wellness programs are more likely to improve their eating and sleeping habits, and that means improved cognitive function during the day. To boost your team’s productivity, consider creating an effective wellness program. Here’s how to get started.

Don’t rush into creating a workplace program. Take your time to develop a formal strategic plan with measurable goals. Here are a few common goals you may decide to set:

  • Reduce overall absenteeism due to illness
  • Minimize the frequency of health insurance claims
  • Set an initial budget for the wellness plan
  • Make it count

Show your employees that they are valued. Don’t design a program with the sole intention of reducing health care costs. Keep it simple and make sure it benefits your team members. Talk openly about it and encourage others to partake it in, making sure to listen to feedback when it’s offered. If employees don’t understand wellness offerings or are not sure on how to participate, they will get frustrated and give up.

Offering incentives, like gift cards and gym memberships, to employees can help to achieve wellness goals. For example, you might decide to offer $10 gym membership discounts to team members who achieve the fitness goals they set for themselves. For individuals who quit unhealthy habits such as smoking, you could consider offering them discounts on their insurance premiums.

In order to create an effective wellness program, you must address prevention and disease management. To get employees involved, include fun activities like challenges and gym memberships!

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