How To Avoid Car Breakdowns

Do you want to avoid car breakdowns? We show you some driving and maintenance tips that can help you to make your car last a long time in the best conditions. With them, you will avoid more than one visit to the workshop to solve a serious fault.

Mechanical breakdowns can be a big outlay of money. Sometimes these cannot be avoided, but in many others, they are the cause of improper driving or a lack of inspection and maintenance. If you want your car to last longer, we will tell you how to avoid car breakdowns.

Practices to avoid breakdowns in the car

You can reduce the likelihood of car problems by following a series of simple driving and maintenance practices that will help your vehicle last much longer.

Go to reviews

Vehicle inspections are essential. These will allow you to check the status of your vehicle and carry out small periodic repairs that can prevent serious breakdowns. Check your vehicle owner’s manual to find out when you should perform them.

Do good maintenance

In addition to going to the periodic reviews of the car, it is convenient that you carry out maintenance on your car. It is an easy task if you organize a  revision routine and do not skip it.

Battery – Newer batteries are not as demanding as they used to be, but do have a recommended lifespan. If it’s been more than three years since you changed your car battery, sooner rather than later you’ll need a new one. Write down the dates on which you release the battery to carry out timely control, look at its manufacturing date and if you have any doubts, ask the workshop about the state of your battery. If in the end everything fails and you end up in the ditch, it is essential to have MAPFRE Car Insurance and its travel assistance service.

Fluids: Oil,  coolant, and windshield washer fluid are the basic fluids used by vehicles. It is necessary to check its level and if it is low, fill it properly and always according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Checking liquids is recommended to do it monthly and always before making a long-distance trip.

Filters – A worn or dirty filter is not a big mechanical problem, it is easily fixed and on a very small budget. However, if it is not detected in time and intervened, the problem can become more serious and affect key parts of your engine, which are more expensive and difficult to repair.

Tires: The pressure and condition of the rubber are the two indicators to check on the wheels of any vehicle. The appropriate pressure for each wheel should be consulted in your car manual and checked every two weeks -recommended- with a professional manometer in good condition and professional that will indicate if it is necessary to insufflate or drain air from your wheels to have the recommended pressure. Visually inspect the condition of the wheel: wear, color, and pattern.

Don’t force the engine

The engine has an optimal operating temperature, so it is not convenient to force it, especially if it is still cold. To avoid breakdowns before starting the march, it is convenient that you wait a few seconds (30 or 40) for the oil to lubricate all the elements of the engine. After that, drive smoothly until it reaches 90 degrees. With this, you will be able to avoid inadequate lubrication that can cause excessive oil consumption, engine seizure, or even turbo failure.

Take care of the clutch

To keep the clutch in optimal conditions and avoid breakdowns in this key part for the operation of your vehicle, it is convenient that you carry out a series of practices:

Do not rest your foot on the pedal while you are driving.

Depress the pedal fully to change gears.

Do not release the clutch abruptly or too quickly.

Use neutral when you are stopped.

Pay attention to the turbo

Turbo failure can be very expensive so it is worth keeping an eye on this item and having it properly lubricated and cooled. The best options to take care of the turbo are:

Perform oil changes when necessary.

Wait for the engine to warm up before starting the march (30 or 40 seconds).

Let the turbo cool down before stopping the engine.

Don’t drive with your hand on the gearstick

You may think that this common practice is harmless to your car, but the truth is that driving with your hand on the gear lever causes you to exert pressure that can cause vibrations. This can cause linkage failure, gears not engaging or gearing out, and selector failure.

Don’t park in the sun

To take care of the bodywork of your vehicle so that it lasts longer, try not to park it in the sun. In this way, the paint will remain in better condition and you will avoid damage to plastics and headlights. If you have to, use a sun visor to protect the interior of the car.

Don’t get on the curbs

Going over a curb or colliding with the car causes damage to the tires and suspension of the car. Rubbing against curbs can cause rim damage and tire problems. Damage to the suspension, in addition to causing a serious breakdown, can pose a risk when driving.

keep the car clean

Having a clean car can save you from repainting your car, especially if it has been subjected to bird droppings. The components it includes can damage the paint making the mark remain there forever. The best option is to remove these remains as soon as possible and keep the bodywork clean.

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