Bagged C-10 – Treating Rust Underneath the Bed

With the bed off the C-10 project for frame repair, Adam mounted it to a rotisserie to take advantage of easy access to the underside. This was the perfect opportunity for treating rust living below, including the bed supports.

Because the bottom of the bed doesn’t see daylight, Adam chose to treat the rusted surfaces wit Rust Encapsulator Plus. This not only traps the existing rust in its place, but also doesn’t require a top coating afterwards. He started by removing any loose, flaky material from the surface using the SCT surface conditioning tool. A couple places also need minor tack welds to fill some pits that had corroded through.

To prevent overspray, Adam chose to brush on the Rust Encapsulator instead of spraying it on. This also allowed him to get full coverage in some corners that may have been a challenge to spray. Once this had cured, he then applied Internal Frame Coating to the bed support sections. This is effectively a rust converter product applied by a long hose through a special spray tip that maximizes coverage in closed spaces.

Check out the video below to see what went into treating rust on this bed. You can also hear Adam answer some of the most common questions we get about Rust Encapsulator.

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