MINI Electric: how its tech helps you stay connected

Find your perfect route

The word ‘connected’ gets banded around a lot these days. But what does it mean in the real world? Well, in the case of the MINI Electric’s Navigation System, it means an immersive, fully customisable map experience. You can keep track of (and avoid) congestion thanks to Real Time Traffic Alerts (RTTI). It also lets you know when public chargers are available in real-time, as well as providing seamless smartphone integration and intelligent voice-activated navigation commands.

For both safety and convenience, the MINI Electric uses Online Speech Processing (including Alexa In-Car preparation) to interpret your voice commands – with little more than “get me home” needed to send you in the right direction. And,mbecause the technology in the MINI Electric never stands still (and nor do you), your navigation system will always be kept bang up to date with automatic over-the-air updates.

Top tier infotainment

The beating heart of the MINI Electric: the ultra-intuitive infotainment system sits front and centre. Echoing classic MINI’s of the 1960s, the circular surround (complete with laser-engraved LED ring) houses your 8.8in touchscreen display. From there, you have access to a full suite of multimedia features including DAB digital radio, eDrive Services, ConnectedDrive Services (more on those later), USB audio, and the aforementioned Navigation Pack.

With wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto integration, as standard you have multiple ways to customise your digital experience while the rotary dial and menu shortcuts provide additional ways to navigate the system.

First class MINI service(s)

Within the MINI Electric’s infotainment system is a suite of intelligent functions designed to make daily life easier and more efficient. It all starts with MINI eDrive Services – your helpful eco tutor, designed to help you drive your MINI Electric even more efficiently. The system continuously calculates your preferred ‘Green Route’ – that’s the most efficient route for each of your journeys, so you can get the most out of every charge. It will even provide regular stats to help you further improve your on-road economy.

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